Dear Readers,
From the time immemorial ‘the wheel of re’ at the centre of our being has been turning impersonally, inaming our spirit and bursting forth into creativity. The sense perception, is always teaching us how to become mesmerised on thecharming beauties of Nature, Education in India has evolved itself since time immemorial. Ours is a country which takes pride in being the rich heir of the knowledge process. Our ancient Gurus have inculcated not only the knowledge domain but also something beyond. They have educated their pupils not only in subjects of academic, societal importance but have enhanced the aura of their pupils spiritually too.
In today's scenario, education encompasses teaching and learning specic skills, and also something less tangible but more profound : the imparting of knowledge, good judgement and wisdom. Education has as one of its fundamental goals the imparting of culture from generation to generation. Educational activity primarily involves the presentation of material by the faculty to students who are learning about the subject matter, Different people believe in different ideals of life, as a result, they look at education differently.
There is, therefore, no universal denition of education. But one thing everyone should have to remember as a vital executive of the universe, they are duty bound to contribute something to justify their superiority. Every human being is a treasure of enormous potential. Through education we are to ignite it. In recent times, we often experience a paradigm shift in the basic approach to education. Realizing this, we all at NPIS are making an all our Endeavour to restore this basic approach through different developments and community services. We believe education acknowledges that man is a mine rich in gems of inestimable value and the purpose of education is to draw out the hidden gems from within each child, to visualize the gem in the rock and to polish each piece until it each shines like agem. It is continuous and creative process. The session that has gone has been an effort to polish these gems and give them an opportunity to shine not only in their school, region, state, country but also abroad. It has been overwhelming ot see our students succeeding in various arenas, carving a niche for themselves through their potential, talent and abilities
Best Wishes
(M.Sc., B.Ed.)
Get in touch with us for any queries or assistance!