The students are divided into four Houses which are headed by Captions and Vice-Captains who are guided by the House Masters. Inter-House competitions are organized for various cultural and co-curricular activites. The House system fosters a spirit of co-operation and healthy competition. The Student council consists of the House Captain, House vice Captain, Discipline In charge, Vehicle In charge, English communication In charge, Editor in chief, Assembly Planner, Programme In charge and others. It functions under the guidance of the Co-coordinators and four House Masters. The council meets once a month to organize analyses and put into action the various school activities. It also helps in maintaining discipline.
There are four houses in the school Mottos of these houses are as follows : Shivajee House : (Saffron) “Purity of personal life is the one indispensable condition for building up a sound education.” Tagore House : (White) “Let up keep the fire of love for India burring always” Ashoka House : (Green) “Do the small things with LOVE and God will take care of the greater ones.” Raman House : (Yellow) The longest journey starts with a single step.
Each house will be headed by the house captions. A member of the staff assisted by several other teachers’ acts as the house moderator. Every student of class I and above will be placed in one of these houses.
Points are awarded to students of each house throughout the year for their performance in academics, co-curricular activities, games and sports. At the end of the year the house gaining the highest number of points will inter-House Competitions Shield’. Inter-House Competitions will be organized in Sports, Dramatics, Debates, Quiz, Elocution, Art and Music, etc.
These magazines, which are in the form of visual displays on prominent bulletin boards in the school, are meant specifically to keep the students informed on subjects of topical interest. Preparation for these magazines productive activity. This activity doesn’t just give them an awareness of vital issues, thereby increasing their general knowledge, but educated them in different forms of art and craft and develops in them an aesthetic sense.
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